All-on-4 – Encinitas, CA

Revitalizing Your Entire Smile with Fewer Dental Implants

How many dental implants does it take to replace an entire arch of teeth? With traditional techniques, the answer could potentially be six or even eight. But thanks to the All-on-4 procedure from McElroy Smiles by Design of Encinitas, you can regain a complete grin with just four well-placed implant posts! To learn more about the All-on-4 procedure and whether it’s a good fit for you, reach out to our office today to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose McElroy Smiles by Design of Encinitas for All-on-4?

  • Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Procedures
  • Specially Trained Dentists
  • State-of-the-Art Technology

How Do All-on-4 Implants Work?

Illustration of full denture being attached to All-on-4 implants in Encinitas, CA

Dental implants function as artificial tooth roots. They are surgically inserted into the jaw so that they can form a bond with the surrounding bone. Once they do, they can provide a dental prosthesis with stability and chewing power comparable to that of real teeth.

With the All-on-4 procedure, four implant posts are placed in carefully chosen parts of the jawbone. The two posts near the back of the mouth are inserted at a 45-degree angle, which allows them to take advantage of the areas of the jaw with more bone density, thus potentially making bone grafting unnecessary.

Am I a Candidate for All-on-4 Implants?

Senior man with cane sitting and smiling on couch

You might qualify for the All-on-4 procedure if:

  • You are an adult who has lost most or all of your teeth.
  • You have a healthy mouth that is free of gum disease.
  • You are able and willing to maintain good oral hygiene during and after your dental implant treatment.

Note that the way that All-on-4 implants are placed can potentially make the treatment a good fit even for patients who have already lost some of the bone density in their jaws.  

Benefits of All-on-4 Implants

Senior man and woman smiling at each other outside

The implant posts will keep your replacement teeth permanently anchored to your jaw, allowing you to brush and floss them as if they were a natural part of your mouth. Furthermore, the stimulation from the posts will prevent the bone loss that typically occurs as a consequence of missing teeth. And of course, you’ll be able to eat all kinds of foods again thanks to the bite force and chewing power provided by your implant-supported prosthesis.

All-On-4 vs. Traditional Implants

Illustration of All-on-4 dentures and dental implants against black background

As noted above, the All-on-4 procedure makes it possible to replace a full row of teeth with fewer implant posts. On top of that, since it’s less likely to require bone grafting, it can significantly reduce the amount of time needed to complete the process of rebuilding your smile with dental implants.

One last advantage to consider is that All-on-4 can potentially help you get new teeth sooner. Many patients are able to receive dentures on the same day that they have their All-on-4 implants placed.